随性放松bules歌曲 短视频vlog


随性放松bules歌曲 短视频vlog

独家 企业VIP 个人VIP

时长: 00:59

语种: 英语

流派: Pop

作词人: Electronic Banana

作曲人: Electronic Banana

演唱者: Electronic Banana

出版方: 猴子音悦

In the corner of the room, a faded photo on the mantel
Memories of a love that once was, now a distant echo (oh-oh-oh)
A snapshot of a moment frozen in time, with a smile so bright
But now it\'s just a reminder of what we used to have, and hold tight (ooh-yeah)

Oh, that faded photo on the mantel, tellin\' a story of days gone by
Where love was young and innocent, and the flame burned high (oh-oh-oh)
Now it\'s just a memory, a ghost of what used to be
That faded photo on the mantel, a bittersweet melody (ooh-yeah)
猴子音悦提供有版权保障的随性放松bules歌曲 短视频vlog背景音乐素材下载。这是一首浪漫、放松、时尚、感动情绪,适合活动宣传、产品宣传、Vlog短视频、旅游风景、直播、流行歌曲场景的配乐,主要由钢琴、打击乐、电吉他、架子鼓、贝斯、键盘、人声、木吉他、电钢琴演奏,编号是1292356,格式是mp3,BPM是126,该流行、Blues背景音乐素材时长是00:59,是由【猴子音悦】音乐人在2024-03-19 21:35:05制作完成并上传,会员可免费下载。