厚嗓女声爵士歌曲 浪漫


厚嗓女声爵士歌曲 浪漫

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时长: 01:48

语种: 英语

流派: Pop

作词人: Electronic Banana

作曲人: Electronic Banana

演唱者: Electronic Banana

出版方: 猴子音悦

In the darkness of the night, a glimmer of light
A whisper in the wind, a melody so right
You feel it deep within your bones, it\'s time to rejoice
The piano man plays his song, unveiling shades of joy

[Verse 2]
His fingers dance across the keys, a rhythm like no other
The music flows and fills the room, every note a lover
The sorrows fade away, as the blues take a back seat
A symphony of happiness, a moment so complete

The clock is ticking, echoes fading in the air
But the joy lingers on, a memory we all share
The piano man\'s masterpiece, lasting only for a while
But the feeling it leaves behind, will always make us smile
猴子音悦提供有版权保障的厚嗓女声爵士歌曲 浪漫背景音乐素材下载。这是一首浪漫、放松、感动、思念情绪,适合酒店、咖啡店、纪录片、商场/超市、都市剧、偶像剧、流行歌曲场景的配乐,主要由钢琴、萨克斯、人声演奏,编号是1293361,格式是mp3,BPM是91,该Blues、爵士乐背景音乐素材时长是01:48,是由【猴子音悦】音乐人在2024-03-21 08:59:04制作完成并上传,会员可免费下载。