天地交响之声 震撼


天地交响之声 震撼

独家 企业VIP 个人VIP

时长: 01:48

语种: 英语

流派: Pop

作词人: Electronic Banana

作曲人: Electronic Banana

演唱者: Electronic Banana

出版方: 猴子音悦

The orchestra tunes, the conductor takes his place
In silence, they wait, anticipation in the air
Strings begin to play, pulling at your heartstrings
Building tension, the soundtrack to the unknown

[Verse 2]
Brass instruments bellow, a sense of impending danger
Woodwinds flutter, like leaves in a brisk autumn wind
Percussion pounds, matching your quickening heartbeat
The symphony of suspense, captivating and thrilling

The climax approaches, the music reaches its peak
Your heart races, palms sweaty with anticipation
But just as the tension is about to break
The conductor\'s arm drops, the song fades away
猴子音悦提供有版权保障的天地交响之声 震撼背景音乐素材下载。这是一首悲伤、感动、庄严情绪,适合科幻片、秋、雪、悲剧、雨、流行歌曲场景的配乐,主要由钢琴、打击乐、小提琴、大提琴、小号、管弦乐队、大号、长号、圆号、人声演奏,编号是1298102,格式是mp3,BPM是144,该流行、古典背景音乐素材时长是01:48,是由【猴子音悦】音乐人在2024-03-29 09:33:04制作完成并上传,会员可免费下载。