轻松 节奏感 旅游


轻松 节奏感 旅游

独家 企业VIP 个人VIP

时长: 01:59

语种: 英语

流派: Pop

作词人: Electronic Banana

作曲人: Electronic Banana

演唱者: Electronic Banana

出版方: 猴子音悦

In the city, where the lights don\'t sleep
Chasing dreams, movin\' to the beat (beat)
But my heart longs for a quiet retreat
Where the air is clean and the grass is green

[Verse 2]
Through the countryside, I find my way
Majestic hills painting shades of gray (gray)
In the studio, I\'ll capture the sound
Of the wind and the birds that sing around

No more hustling, no more racing time (no more racing time)
I\'m gonna find my peace in the country side (uh uh)
Where the world moves slow and the moments unwind (yeah)
In this sophisticated life, I\'ve found
猴子音悦提供有版权保障的轻松 节奏感 旅游背景音乐素材下载。这是一首放松、活力、动感情绪,适合Vlog短视频、购物节、旅游风景、流行歌曲、植树节场景的配乐,主要由打击乐、键盘、弹拨、木吉他演奏,编号是1299807,格式是mp3,BPM是142,该流行、Beat背景音乐素材时长是01:59,是由【猴子音悦】音乐人在2024-03-31 17:07:04制作完成并上传,会员可免费下载。